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Showing posts from July, 2015

My Earthly Caregiver

Ariana, Robert, and I in Florida when I was 6 We were on Vacation Praise God. I always seek to honor God in the things I do. There is no greater joy than putting a smile on Gods face. Thinking about my Heavenly Father led me to beautiful memories of my earthly caregiver, the one I called “ dad. ” I never talk about him to people other than close relatives. Indeed, I keep him disclosed because I have never felt led to discuss my father with people. He died on April 1st when I was 13 years 7 months and 4 days old from a heart condition. One is supposed to grieve for the dead, and I did. Call me strange, but I am not sorry he is gone. My dad is in Heaven. I ’ m a person of very unique circumstances. God has granted me the ability to go to heaven and see the one who was my earthly caregiver. I ’ m honored to bless others with the super natural gifts the Lord has granted me. Are you wondering what his name is? Do you think it's strange I refer to my dad as “ the on...