Today I was thinking about how amazing God is, and I asked Jesus a question. Behold our conversation: Me: God is so awesome why do you share Him with people? Wouldn’t you want to keep Him for yourself? Jesus: Let me ask you something. Me: Sure Jesus: Who is someone that you care about? Me: There is this girl named Demonica that I take delight in. Jesus: If she was in trouble would you help her? Me: Yeah! Jesus: If she was on her way to her ultimate destruction would you care enough to help and provide for her? Me: Yes of course. Jesus: Ok let me ask you this then. If she had no shirt would you provide for her yours? Me; Yea Jesus: why? Me: Because I care about her. Jesus: Would it be off your back? Me: Yeah Jesus: If she is clothed, wouldn’t you be unclothed? Me: Idk (I don’t know) kind of. I always wear a tank top underneath shirts so it wouldn’t matter. I guess? Jesus: After you gave it to her ...