Hello, Brother and Sisters in Christ. I am writing to you once again to inform you that I love you. God be the Glory to our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I cherish all my brethren, and I wish that you guys will continue to be formed into the image of Jesus Christ. Many religious sects come knocking on my door, and each time they do, I tell them the Gospel. I receive Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics, and for the first time WMSCOG (Wold Missions Society Church of God) members. I experienced people from this religion months before their arrival at my house, I wrote about it: Click Me These were different people who came to my door, although I made them aware I encountered them before. I could tell they were surprised how much I knew about their religion. A young man of Asian descent and one who was Caucasian offered to tell me about God the mother. I preceded to tell them about God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, then I told them the Gospel.The man of Asian des...