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How to Test the Spirit

Update: I made an animated video on how to test the spirit. Click here

Editors Note: God reminded me that I had this blog post on my computer. I retrieved it, then the Lord and I changed some things.  The wording might be harsh, but it came from a sincere heart. Enjoy.

Testing the Spirit is crucial. Typical responses I receive from people who don’t want to test the spirit are:

“Demons wouldn’t tell me to do something good.”

“Demons wouldn’t know about that.”

“God would protect me from them.”

My Response:

Do you know what I’m got to say next?

 Your Answer: no.


Your Answer: I don’t know you like that.

Using your logic, you confess to knowing demons so well, your aware of what they will do and say.

The devil has been with God millions of years before he fell. Scripture never says intelligence was taken away from him. If you think you are craftier than the devil, your already deceived.

Where in scripture does God say, “He will protect His children from Demons?” What is the point of armor if there isn’t a war? There is a sense where God will protect us, but when He develops us maturely in Him, it’s as if He pulls back to test us and to chase Him. He uses demons as an object to teach and chastise, to help us grow.

Some people think God wouldn’t allow demons to speak to them.

My response: God allowed demons (the devil) to speak to His only begotten Son whom He Loves, who do you think you are?

Personally, I know three ways to test the spirit, but I’ll give you two. The third way only works when you've mastered the ability to hear God in your spirit continually. 

1 Thessalonians 5:21
Test everything. Hold on to the good.

After a spirit gets done telling you something. Ask,  “Do you confess that Jesus is Lord?” If it is God the Spirit will say, “Jesus is Lord.” Don’t be fooled the spirit is not supposed to say “yes” or “yes I am.” It needs to say “Jesus is Lord,” if it doesn't then it is not Jesus and you need to rebuke the devil.

Note: This way may seem contradictory to what you will read as you go on, It isn’t. In the spirit realm, words receive definition by the individuals intent (some words don’t, according to spiritual laws). The person of Jesus is special and has power. Since the name “Jesus” is so entrenched in our western societies (and abroad) the power of it spring from faith in The Son (which God gives us). Jesus name is powerful and will bring about the particular purpose for, whatever you ask of Him, according to His will.

The phrase “Jesus is Lord” is defined by the definition you give it in the Spirit realm.

Confess means to acknowledge or avow (a fault, crime, misdeed, weakness, etc.) by way of revelation. (

According to spiritual law, recipients must respond to the question asked of them in a way that brings honor to the question. The word “confess” permits demons to speak out loud about whom they are and their agendas. They not only must acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, but they must profess (an action with their tongue).
So thence the spirit must speak and reveal itself.

If they say, “Yes, Jesus is Lord” that is not God. They are not responding to the question accurately. They said “yes” which acknowledges a new standard of information and then “Jesus is Lord.” This could refer to anyone who name is called Jesus (He-Zeus).

This method is more essential:

After a spirit tells you something ask, “Do you confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh? A spirit must accurately say, “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.” If it doesn’t, it’s a demon (1 John 4:1-3).

Note: Do not let demons modify the answer. If you ask, “Do you confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?” Demons may say, “Jesus has come in the flesh.” Christ is not the last name of Jesus, it is His title. Jesus (He-Zeus) can be anybody.

Think of demons as corrupt lawyers, who look for any loop holes to lie and cheat you.

Christ is a trans-literalization to the Greek word “Christos” meaning “Anointed one.” The spirit must say, “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.”

Bill Clinton had an affair. A reporter asked, “Are you having sexual relations with that woman?”

He responded: “Absolutely not!”
It was true because He wasn’t having sex with the woman, at that moment.

Another way to test the Spirit:

Ask a spirit “Do you acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.” If the Spirit says, “Yes,” it’s God. If the spirit says anything else, then they are demons.

There is a big difference between the words “confess” and “acknowledge.”
Acknowledge + profess with mouth = Confess
Recognize the fact + accept/admit= Acknowledge

If the Spirit says, “Yes, Jesus Christ (notice the sss sound) has come in the flesh,” it’s a demon. Demons will try to fool you, by saying His name incorrectly or jumbled up.

The words you use have a huge impact on how demons respond.

Helpful Hints while asking God questions:

Never ask, “Can I” questions because they indicate that you already made up your mind. Putting yourself in something is a fire that you don’t want to light before God. This method puts God in a box. You’re likely to get twitching “Yes” or “No” answers. Twitching answers are when God says “no, yes, no, no and yes” to the same question when asked over and over again. I’m sure you like to avoid confusion.

Your Question: Why are “can I” questions a bad idea?

My Response:

Example: God, can I run outside naked and eat my neighbor?

God: “Yes.”

God, should I run outside naked and eat my neighbor?

God: No!!! Are you crazy, let me get out my belt?

Ask “Should I” questions because it takes you entirely out of the equation, leaving the father room, to give you instruction.

Helpful question starters for God are “May I, Is it your perfect will if, and do you want me to…”

My friends 1 John 4:1-3 is extraordinary when it's revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.
There is a war between good and evil. There is a phrase that demons can not udder.
Haven’t you ever wondered why?

How much more weapons do we not have because we don’t seek the Father?

Most importantly, How much time have we lost in sweet fellowship with Him, because we’ve been clouded in darkness having other idols?

Nothing can ever compare to my relationship with Christ; it’s so lovely so very charming.

I’m jumping rabbit’s, but you should know God is a Jewel.  He is worth seeking. He is worth your effort to hear Him.

The Study of  1 John 4:2 (Etymology):

1 John 4:2
 By this, you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,


Pnyü'-mä (Spirit): Every kind of Spirit.

Homologeō (Confess, Confession):  to say the same thing as another, i.e. to agree with, assent; to concede; not to refuse, to promise; not to deny; to confess; declare; to confess, i.e. to admit or declare one's self guilty of what one is accused of; to profess; to declare openly, speak out freely to profess one's self the worshipper of one and to praise, celebrate.

Iēsous (Jesus): Jesus Christ/Christ Jesus.

Christos (Christ): Messiah, Son of God, and Anointed.

Chriō (Anoint, Anointing): consecrating Jesus to the Messianic office, and furnishing him with the necessary powers for its administration.
Erchomai (Come, came):  to come; of persons; to come from one place to another, and used both of persons arriving and of those returning; to appear, make one's appearance, come before the public; (metaphor) to come into being, arise, come forth, show itself, find place or influence; be established, become known, to come (fall) into or unto and to go, to follow one.
Airō (Bear) Probably from the base of Sweep: raise up, elevate, lift up, to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up.

Haireō (Choose, Choice, Chosen) probably akin to Bear: to take for oneself, to prefer, choose.

Syrō (Drag) probably akin to Choose, Choice, and Chosen: to draw, drag of one before the judge, to prison, to punishment.
Saroō (sweep) From a derivative of sairo (to brush off, akin to (Drag): to sweep, clean by sweeping: to sweep, clean by sweeping.
Sarx (flesh) probably from the base of Sweep: the flesh, denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God.


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