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You all ought to know "never leave a PROPHET empty Handed".

A sister in Christ messaged me:
I heard that one should never go to a prophet empty handed.
Since you were able to help me with dream interpretations and get me on the right track I would like to send you a gift of my appreciation. Thank you and God bless.
Note: (Some portions of the message have been taken out due to personal content associated with the messenger and receiver).

My Response:

I wonder where you heard “never leave a prophet empty handed." If someone told me that then I’d go ask for help from a prophet and then they would assist me. After I’d say, “hold out your hand." I‘d put my hand in their hand and bless them with the name of Jesus by faith saying “God bless you. ” Now that is more richer than green pieces of paper wouldn’t you think? It is not great prophecy speaking over a person saying,  “God bless you?"
Especially, if it’s from a believer, you have been blessed by through God. Praying is like a petition before God (Philippians 4:6). How much more is a request answered, when one blesses the other with such faith as “God Bless you?" If God gets a lot of requests from various people to bless one particular person, He will take that into strong consideration.

I have never called myself a prophet, maybe I am. I don’t have people call me Prophetess Jasmine because they will believe I’m more divine than I actually am. They’d think I’m some entity that came down from Heaven looking for habitation among the earth dwellers. With my nose raised up high and expecting a dowry for my spectacular services that are beyond human intellect. It's like this wisdom I have is almost alien. You’ll be amazed what people announce me as.

I do not want you to think that I have reached some form of perfection that somehow chauffeurs me higher then the rest.

I’m just an example unto men that God still speaks and works through rocks and donkeys. Listen, you’re just as important in the body of Christ as I am. If you give me money then I’d have to give you the same amount right back. So you mightiest well keep it.
I appreciate your suggestion. But don’t ever fall for such a stupid clique as “never leave a prophet empty handed. "

It is good to support people and provide when led by God.  Do not take what people say to you at face value but seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

For example: If you believe you owe me $50. Then you ought to give your Mother/Father (whoever raised you in the lord, if they did) 5 million dollars. He/she did not only give you messages from the Lord but tarried with you throughout the good and bad.

If you prayed on it and God leads you to donate to me, I will surely take it and thank you in Jesus’s name.

If He doesn’t allow you to donate to me, I will surely thank you and bless you in Jesus’s name for giving me the opportunity to help you. I’m aware I help people in Jesus’s name. I don’t always know how that help will expand to another person through that individual's life. All I can do is be grateful, spread the Love of God, and pray that God uses you to create a chain reaction.
Let Gods kingdom be advanced Amen.



  1. I love your blog! More people need to see beyond what man is telling them.

    1. I'm glad this blog has blessed you.😊


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