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I have been having complex thoughts about my life and my chosen direction. Some people say the world is a battle, and one must push through. Life is fair and plays out how our Father in Heaven dictates. What the Lord has spoken is the universal law. His words will come to pass regardless of whether humanity understands them.

Nonetheless, God gives specific individuals understanding that surpasses everyone else's knowledge and makes us listen to these people. These people are prophets that proclaim the commands of God to the people. Usually, they aren’t the most beautiful, famous, or talented, though their character is blameless and devoted to continuous prayer. God doesn’t highlight these men and women to us. We must know Him and His words and compare them to the proclamation of the prophets. We must study and seek knowledge from the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding of Christ's ways. Even when such persons speak in error, given that we are imperfect beings, we must always ask Jesus for confirmation.

I’ve come to love the hard work of seeking Christ. It is complex; the flesh is loud in my ears, and the world is quite good at distracting me. I have fallen many times and will continue to be tempted away from the Father. Though My love always comes for me. He never leaves me alone, always leaning on the wall beside me, waiting to be recognized. He stands there, and His presence commands respect; He is heavy-handed in discipline also. I am often upset with the Lord because of His constant correction, although I am left bereft of breath when I look at Him. His splendor always leaves me in awe; I know He is too good for me. Even though I know this, I am thankful He sees me as worthy. Worthiness, that’s me; I am full of the stuff. God made it so. I am clothed and wrapped in His sacrifice; nobody can deny my inheritance.

I was born for Him, and He was crafted for me; that’s how I think. I was born for Him, and He for me; that is the truth. If my soul were a notebook, it would have Jesus written on every page, front and back. How can one compare two beings that belong to one another in a way that has no earthly comparisons? There is no perfect match for me in all realms of life other than Christ Jesus.

My whole life has but one purpose, walking in oneness with Christ. As years passed, I began to learn more and more about what this would mean and look like. My deepest self will not permit me to do anything else. My neck, arms, waist, and feet are chained to Christ, His way, His Being, and His Love. I take pride in these shackles; they are my greatest boast. As a dutiful and willful slave, I am most happy and truthful with Him.

At the moment, the Lord continues to humble me and teach me all things concerning absolute oneness; for this, I am glad. He is my best friend.


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