Something unusual has been happening around my house. There appears to be a large number of birds banging their heads against my windows. This has been happening for about two months.
Sure, it’s no big deal when a baby bird flies head first into a window and dies. It apparently made a mistake; I can understand that. When five birds bang their head against your window during the day at different hours, something is up. I am not the only one who been noticing this problem in my household. My little brother’s occupation is catching wildlife and doing strange things to them. They would catch butterflies, name them George, and rip off their wings as a means to entertain. Here are the murderous culprits:
Seriously, there is a dead bird on the roof of my house. We don’t have pets. It’s not like we spread bird food all on the ground to attract. I KNOW WHY THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING. God just told me, this just hit my mind while I was writing.
Why are birds banging their head against your windows?
As I was studying the bible yesterday, I came across Proverbs 1:17. I don’t know why but it stood out to me, and I loved it. I wrote the verse on a piece of paper and hung it on my wall.
Proverbs 1:15-19
King James Version (KJV)15 My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:
For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.
Surely in vain, the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives.
So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.
These scriptures are encouraging believers not to walk with sinners. They live their life in the flesh, and that alone is wicked and vile. Their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed innocent blood (Proverb 1:16). It is as if they can’t help themselves and they say leisurely “let us kill and harm.” Sinners (This word is referring to heathens) are told, that their ways of life lead's to condemnation and turmoil now and in the hereafter. Still, they continue in their depravities, thence the sowers (Christians who spread the good news in hopes to plant a seed) warnings have been in vain.
Bird’s primary goals are to feed, fly and reproduce.
Sinner’s (heathens) main goals are to gain, exalt self, and fornicate.
They are like a silly bird who see the snare (catch, net) of the fowler (a hunter of birds) and ignores the warning which her eyes are giving her. She becomes entrapped in the snare; which was surely in vain (useless). The Fowler could have easily captured her without the use of a net.
God made of us wiser than the fowls of heaven (job 35:11) and shall we then be as stupid as they?
Heathens don’t need a trap for they are already ensnared, and their fouler is Satan. As they continue in their rebellion they bring more judgments upon themselves with their wicked deeds and they will stand before God to give account on that day; woe to them. There is an eternal nemesis that peruses them. Vengeance suffers them not to live.
Wow, I see. What does this have to do with the birds?
-Don’t you get it? The birds wanted to get into my house. They saw something that they wanted and foolishly didn’t pay attention to their surroundings. They were too caught up in need and greed which eventually led to their odd, yet, funny death (crashing into a window).
-The birds are symbolic of people who my family and I have ministered to.
- My house is symbolic of the net which is a warning to heathens to turn from their ways. Surely this was in vain. God is telling me; certain people went or will go to hell that my household has ministered to. Each dead bird outside my house represents a person who went to hell. I know of two dead birds that have died on my property.
- Each bird that crashes into my window is a person who will be dead shortly. They will end up in Hell. There are birds (at least 6) that crash against my window and tremble off flying.
Why didn’t God just tell you sooner?
-God told me in a creative way. He was informing me that many have not listened to His words and have gone and is on their way to Hell. These are people who He has told words to, through me.
Do you know who they are?
-Yes, I am aware.
What about the two birds who died? They represent people right? Do you know the person who died?
-They do represent people. I’m not sure, but I have a pretty good idea.
What now?
It’s amazing what nature will tell you. I listen to God, but in another sense, I don’t. I'm so use to Him talking to my heart that I forget to look at signs. I remember that the Lord orders my footsteps. The things I witness should have been a huge indicator to seek the Holy Spirit on the matter. I must apologize.
What did you say to Him?
-I went and hugged him. I said, “baby I am so sorry.”
God: He smiled for 2 Mississippi’s and said “really.”
Me: Yes!
God: He put his hand gently on my face and said, "you’re forgiven."
Me and God: Smiling at each other.
I will continue to pray for many people.
Have you had anymore odd experience with animals?
Yes but that is another blog. =)
-Be blessed.
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