A sister in Christ wrote:
Hi, this is (name withheld). How you're doing?
Anyway, I would like to tell you the TRUTH about the TIME, but first I would like to ask you a couple questions.
answer: 7 days
answer: 4 weeks
7 TIMES 4 = 28 DAYS
7 times 4 will NOT give you 29, 30, or 31.
So the TRUTH is the months of the year ONLY have 28 DAYS.
The person whose responsible for messing up with dates and times is the "BEAST" or a.k.a THE KING.
And he shall speak great words against the highest and shall wear out the Saints of the Most High, AND THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
My Response:
Hi (name withheld) I have been great.
When I first read your message I was confused honestly.
Yes, there are four weeks in a month and added days in some. All months in a year do not have 28 days. Think about it, how does that apply to the beast? Also who calls the beast, “The King?" I never heard that before.
Why would the “the beast” add a couple days to some months; to confuse us? That’s what you’re indicating.
So I went to look up the scripture, but I couldn’t find it. You put the verse, but you didn’t add the chapter. It's ok I found it anyway. It's Daniel 7:25.
“And he shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out the Saints of the Most High, AND THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
The word “he” is referring to the beast (Daniel 7:8, 20; 11:36, Rev, 13:5).
The words “wear out” were referring to affliction.
The verse is referring to the tribulation period.
He will change times and laws, and they will be given into his hands for 3 and half years” (Daniel 12:7; Rev. 13:5).
I can tell that you use the KJV Bible. When you see the word “times,” it means 1 year. The passage was referring to the first 3 and half years in the tribulation. The beast will reign for the full seven years. God’s children who are not ready will be left behind, and great affliction will come upon them.
I hope this brought you understanding.
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