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How do I hear God? How do I hear Him more clearly?

A Sister in Christ wrote to me:
I was just trying to research how to hear God's voice. When I first became a Christian, I use to hear it so clearly. Now, it's so faint that I'm not even sure if it was him or not. How can I hear Him?

Note: I recommend fasting it works wonders.

My Response:

You don’t need to research how to hear God's voice. You’re looking at things from one perspective. Do you think you want to talk to God more then He wants to speak to you? 

When you first became a Christian, your faith was great, and your greatest desire was to know Him. Now, what changed? He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Our human nature is to change with time.

What happened in your relationship? Is He testing you? Do you have weaker faith? Is He trying to bring you into greater intimacy? Is He leading you to experience His closeness on a more silent and symbolic level? How do you know He doesn’t want you to figure things out?

Although I could tell you, I’d rather have you think about this.

-          You do not love Him more than He loves you, and He wants to talk to you more then you want to listen. He is a good God, and even though you don’t understand His ways, it doesn’t mean you should lose faith. He is a person who desires a relationship. You need to go back to the basics to know who He is.

My Maker, Husband: Isa 54:5
My Savior 2 Pe 3:18 
My Hope 1Ti 1:1
 My Brother Mar 3:35
My Portion Jer 10:16 
My Helper Hbr 13:6
My Physician Jer 8:22
 My Healer Luk 9:11
My Refiner Mal 3:3
My Purifier Mal 3:3
My Lord, Master John 13:13
My Servant Luk 12:37
My Example John 13:15
My Teacher John 3:2
My Shepherd Psa 23:1
 My Keeper John 17:12
My Feeder Eze 34:23
My Leader Isa 40:11
My Restorer Psa 23:3
My Resting Place Jer 50:
My Meat (his flesh) John 6:55
My Drink (his blood) John 6:55
My Passover 1Cr 5:7
My Peace Eph 2:14
My Wisdom 1Cr 1:30
My Righteousness 1Cr 1:30
My Sanctification 1Cr 1:30
My Redemption 1Cr 1:30

What is the point?

-          Put your faith in the character of God. As we continue to mature in Christ, we sometimes forget the basic things that hold up the entire landscape. When we ignore the foundation, it disintegrates, and the landscape is supported by self and tiny rocks left over from the current foundation.

-          Your relationship with God has very little to do with your feelings. His love is perfect. It is like a fire that keeps itself brimming. So then you can trust in it. No matter how you feel, it never changes. His love is not superficial. It does not change with different seasons in a relationship.  His love is dependable and long-lasting.

Ok, so what now?

-He is a person. He longs for a relationship with His children, more than the child. If you ask Him something, He won’t ignore you.  He speaks to His children in many ways.

This poem was written by an anonymous person describing precisely what I am talking about.

and I missed my chances to recognize! 
 I whispered, “God, talk to me.”
..And a meadowlark sang, but I did not hear.

So, I cried out, “God, show me your mercy.”
… And I awakened the next morning, but I did not wonder.

So, I yelled, “God, speak to me.”
… And the thunder rolled across the sky, but I did not listen.

So, I called out, “God, show me your power.”
… And the grass grew, but I did not see.

So, I looked up and said, “God, let me see You.”
… And a star shined brightly, but I did not notice.

So, I shouted, “God, show me a miracle.”
 … And a life was born, but I did not comprehend.

So, I sobbed in despair, “God, touch me and let me know that You are here!”
 … And God reached down and touched ME, but I brushed the butterfly away.

Moral –
Do not miss a blessing because it is not packaged the way you expect.

So you’re saying I should what exactly?

-          I am saying you should live with Christ instead of for Him. Living for Him drives people to do works. Christ didn’t die for people to do works and have it be acceptable unto God without an animal being a blood sacrifice. Christ tore the veil between God and man so that we can be recompensed back to Him. He made it so we can have an intimate relationship with God. Live with Him as a partner, friend, and co-heir to His (our) inheritance. Walk side by side with Him.

What’s on His side?

-A spear. It is costly to walk with Him.
-As you walk with Him in all areas of your life, you will adapt to His ways (show the fruits of Christ).
-He will not be in your life, but He will be your life.

You should be living with Christ and putting your faith in Him. Doing and moving what/where the spirit commands and leads you. Wait patiently and stay consecrated on Him. Strive to know not His words, but Him. He is more than His words.

When led to fast do so. Ask that He may increase your faith and hear Him clearer. The more you know Him, the more in Love, you will fall.

Ok, I understand, but I want His words to be pressed upon my heart. I want him to speak to me instantly. I want Him to talk to me this way more, rather than dreams and visions. So what do I do?

-          People who can hear God in this fantastic way understand the things written above. They have a pure (no hidden agenda) desire to know God for Himself because He alone is extraordinary. They might not be the most mature people, but they understand what most have forgotten.

-          There is no such thing called “I arrived” in Christ.
-          We were made to need and love Him.
-          God Is Love, and they need Him in every area of their life.
-          They know that He is sovereign and trust in His supremacy and differentially; so much as to wait on Him.
-          Although their heart may be contaminated with faults (God's eyes miss nothing), they have an uncontaminated desire to make Christ their only love, even when they don’t know-how.
Christ takes over and teaches them the things of Himself.
All their love for Him is only a reflection of His love for us.

It may seem like basic things Christians know. There is a difference between knowing and doing. People say one mistake can affect your whole life. They are usually referring to driving while texting, drinking, or committing some kind of robbery. Try to look at is from a different perspective. 

How does this principle affect the Christian spirit?

One's unconscious thought can affect your whole outlook of Christ. This one thought can make or break your intimacy with Christ.

So what does this mean?

If you are not at that level with Christ, be patient as He is doing a sanctified work in you. He is bringing you into that closeness with Him. It varies from person to person because we are all on different levels. Some are strong in areas where others are weak in those places; what I write before you are the basics of how things work.


-lay your request before God in continuous prayer until you receive it. As you wait, walk with Jesus in constant communion and partnership. He will cause you to deny yourself more and do a work of continuous sanctification in you. He will reveal your faults (first dealing with your thought life), then began speaking with you (as you have requested continuously) to further your growth.

Readers, I want you to think about this:
We were never made to be apart from God. When we are in the world, our inner man is slumped over. It is dead. The only thing that is alive is our flesh, which was made from the earth. The flesh is finite and grotesque. It has no part with Jesus. Everything in the flesh dishonors God and glorifies the prince of the air (Satan).

The flesh loves the things of the world because it was made for the world. It was also made out of the world. The devil is the prince of the air. Even though the spirit is dead, the heart is alive. The heart might be filthy, but it still operates how it was designed. It has a need to be loved, wanted, and to belong. These desires were supposed to be for Christ. People try to fill the heart with everything but Christ Himself.

The heart is the core of a person. Because the spirit is dead, it cannot satisfy its built-in needs, so it attaches to the flesh, and the whole thing becomes defiled.
This is precisely what happened to Adam and Eve. The spirit of God was within them. When they sinned, God removed His Spirit, because He does not dwell in filth. Then their inner men became bent over. Just like the leg would jerk up when you hit it with a small hammer, the heart quickly attached to the flesh, which contaminated the whole body.

When God regenerated our hearts (saved us), He imparts His spirit within us. Our inner man becomes alive and vibrant, so then we can live.
I thought you might find this information interesting.

A close relationship with the Father births out affects.  The flesh has no part with God, so remove self before Him and commune in purity.

- Beholdthedoule


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