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Satanist tries to break into my soul- Warning to Christians-One of Satan's Secret attachs

Note: This post was first on Facebook as a note. I deleted some of the conversation by mistake while transferring it to my blog. This post is still beneficial for you. I do apologize.

I spoke with this person before on It is a social networking website for Christians that my friend’s fiance made. He/she requested that I add his/her on Facebook and I did. We began asking each other how we are doing and he/she said: “we have a lot in common." He/she then said “I have many gifts,” Then our conversation turned into the one that you just read.

I was very surprised and excited to meet a person like myself. Then I went into this person’s pictures, and my spirit was disgusted when I looked at his/her, so then the test began. I looked into this person's heart, and half of it was white, and the other was black. It meant that he/she was worshiping God and demons at the same time. He/she was not saved, and I did tell him/her this in the conversation. He/she then admitted that he/she use to worship demons (frankly, I was not surprised because I knew he/she was demon possessed by his/her pictures).

This situation had me thinking, why in the world would a Satanist pretend to be Christian?
Then I went to go mingle with my oldest sister. She was telling me about a place where people practiced chiromancy (palmistry) by some nearby store close to my house. These people call themselves, foretelling the future by reading someone’s palm (palmists). Handshapes are divided into four or 10 major types, sometimes corresponding to the classical elements such as; earth, air, water, and fire. Of course, this is another form of divination practiced by occultist that get their esoteric beliefs from demons that are known as Aztec and creator gods.
Have you ever wondered how a palmist knows so much about the person whom they are reading?

God revealed this to me:

The demons within the psalmists have contact with higher ranking demons from hell. They get power from those demons, which are sent to the demons in and/or around the psalmist. Then they need access into one's spirit. I personally call this “the telephone method.” A telephone transmits and receives sound, in the same like manner the spirit works, in all its complexities. Telephones are also a point to point communication. Let’s say the psalmist acts as 1 point. They need another point to have communication to one’s spirit. When one offers his/her hand, they have a point to point communication.

When one gives his/her hand to a palmist, he/she is giving them permission to allow demons to search his/her spirit and soul for information concerning his/herself. The Demons then report back to the palmists and they proclaim facts about one’s-self.
The Satanist who pretended to be my friend was trying to make a point to point communication with my spirit.


He/she acted as though he/she was like me, to gain my trust and to enter my spirit (become my friend).

Quick note:

- When you become friends with someone, your spirit feeds off of that person and vice versa.
- I don’t call many people my friend even though they call me theirs.
- I am very protective of my spirit.
- I call many people my acquaintances.
- My view of a friend is someone I can trust, depend on and/or look up to. I set them in such of high esteem in my life where I allow them to counsel me. To some that might seem like a best friend. For me, that’s a normal friend. I have my own biblical definition of a best friend.
- Once I call someone my friend, I allow them into my spirit.
- I am aware of what goes in and out of me when I minister to people.


He/she could not discern me because there was no point to point communication. I didn’t give her access to my spirit with anything that I have said or acted upon. He/she said they felt like I was reading them. I did no such thing. If I did, there would be an open door in my spirit where he/she could send his/her demons in to know more things pertaining to me. He/she was definitely trying to use the telephone method.

He/she did not have access to my sister for the same reason he/she could not access me. He/she could have access to Haura (a sweet person I knew in high school) because she is the child of the devil. I believe he/she was nervous and was on the verge of changing the subject. 

I lastly said this to the person (he/she was trying to trick me again. I did not receive this advice):
Warning to Christians:
This is one of the tactics of the enemy. Do not open your spirit to another point unless you have checked with God first. Satanists and/or the devil's helpers are trying to get a hold of our spirits to put us under bondage. I’m not speaking of sin in general but a large seed of either lust, fornication, lying or something of that sort that would stir our path and make it harder for us to grow in Christ.

I know this warning seems a little far-fetched but you will be very surprised how much the devil has used “the telephone method” to cause Gods children to backslide. This is one of those hidden tactics the devil uses towards Gods people. It’s so important to follow this passage.

Proverbs 3:5-7
King James Version (KJV)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
-You can definitely take this verse literally.



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