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Secrets on how to have a better relationship with God.

Secret Number 1. Stop Praying. I know what you’re­ thinking (what!). 

- Most people’s definition of praying is: praying for themselves, the people that they love and the whole body of Christ. They also include the things that they want. That’s not bad, but pray for these things ONCE A DAY. If this is your prayer life it is not hard to understand why you have a standard relationship with Him.

Are you saying I can’t pray about these things?

-NO! I’m saying they shouldn’t be the only things you pray about.

Secret Number 2. Pray from the heart.

-To have a closer relationship with God you should stop your version of praying. Asking God to do a bunch of things for you is not a sufficient prayer life. Prayer is actually talking to Him.
-It’s good to ask him for things.
-Tell him about your day, your desire for Him, and your love for him, proceed talking about the things that you love about him and questions about His character.
-Tell him how much and/or how badly you want to hear his voice.
  • He loves being wanted.
  • Express to him all the things you would tell the closest person in your life. Now let this be the surface of your conversation with him. Everyone has information that they hold from the inner depths of them, let that be your intimate talk.  
Secret Number 3. Know who you are outside of Him.

- This is the problem for a lot of Christians they were once on fire for Christ and it then died out. So they have to get pumped up in all the evangelistic conferences to feel His presence. They do this unknowingly that’s it’s a rock concert/carnival with a blanket over it covered in crosses. They are hyped and sprung with the spirit, when in reality people thrive with emotion and excitement because wickedness has been glorified and exalted by feel good messages. Days Later they find themselves as dead as they started, more even.

- You do not find determination to seek God when you listen to self-exaltation.
-  You sustain determination to seek God when you die to self and realize your depravity, then taking upon yourself his magnificent Glory, which should consume every ounce of your life.

Secret Number 4. Be who you desire to the best your ability through Christ.
-  Christ is the one Christians should desire. Be who you desire for He who is sought after is of great perfection. Practice being like Him which is the on going work of the Holy Spirit.

- You are in awe of His love, let people be in awe of His love through you, so then you will create a chain reaction across the nations.

These are the four secrets of having a better relationship with Jesus.

What makes vile and wicked men say such things to God?

Psalms 5:7
But I, by your love can come into your house; in reverence I bow down toward your Holy temple.
Psalm 63:1
You, God, are my God earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
Psalm 63: 3
Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.


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