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Sickness is not apart of your inheritance


"I'm just so tired. The pain is really, really bad. my blood pressure continues to stay low. therefore, they can't give me more pain meds. My body is just sooooo tired of hurting. 2 cor 10:13 says God will NOT put more on us than we can handle without a window of escape! Oh jasmine...I have been hanging by a thread for sooo long waiting for that window of escape.
I've asked God "IF" it is NOT His will to take this cup from please help me to understand why and what His will is for me to do in the condition I am in.
I can not explain the pain that I'm in. It is sooo bad. I just don;t understand WHY My Lord is continuing to allow this in my life when I'm His Child. I'm just sooo tired of being tired.
I just don't know how much longer I can take this suffering. the dr said he can''t give me more pain meds because of the blood pressure being low. It will make me cold. I told me him I'm ready to go to heaven. he said NO not on his watch.
Today is Sunday and I sooo want to go to church and sit in my bag chair like I do. but...there is no way possible that I can do that right now.

thank you for listening! jasmine you are a very beautiful girl inside and out!!"

In Christ,
(name withheld).


My response:

You are very welcome. There is a slight problem, though. You always mention “2 Corin 10:13. I believe you are referring to 1 Corinthians 10:13 which says, “There has no temptation taken you but such as in common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but with temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

A couple days ago you wrote me expressing your pain. You did mention 1 Corin 10:13, indicating that this scripture is not true. You continued to explain that, you could not bear your pain and if this scripture were true God would have helped you a long time ago. Again and Again, you were stating you cannot take the pain. You even asked me to speak to God for you, asking him this question; `Why are you letting her go through pain, she cannot bear?" 

I want you to recognize the light this scripture holds. This verse assures believers of the eternal keeping of God in all temptation and His help in every one of them, providing we obey the warnings of v.10:1-12 in 1 Corinthians. If a man refuses to meet the conditions, he cannot be kept from the judgment of God. Our standing depends on our faith, relationship with God and obedience.

1 Corinthians 10: 5-11 speaks about 5 curses of Israel exemplary to Christians. The Israelites thought they cannot be cut off from God because they repented, were baptized and partaken in Jewish ordinances. According to them, nothing they did can cut them off from Christ. They participated in pagan feast and felt they were still saved (1 Corinthians 8:4-13; 10:16-33). Of course, God cut them off and destroyed them.
1 Corinthians 10:12-14 speaks about the dispensation of grace. It addressed warning to Christians against pride and idolatry.
1 Corinthians 10:13 is not relevant to everyone. Only to those who are obedient and in right standing with God, and are His justified, reformed, and sanctified people. These people are striving for greater holiness day after day. Will they be tempted? Yes! Will they be tested yes! These are the people in whom this scripture is referring to. The word striving is a keyword.
Now 1 Corinthians 10:10 says “murmur ye, as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer." When you murmur (to complain- be discontent), you tempt God.
8 ways to Temp God:
  1. Murmuring (Ex. 17:2, 1 Cor 10:5)
  2. Unbelief (Ex. 17:7; Heb, 4:1-11)
  3. Rebellion (Num. 14:22; 21: 1-9)
  4. Provoking God (Ps. 78:17-18, 56)
  5. Backsliding (Ps. 78:41,56)
  6. Hardening the Heart (Ps. 95:8-9)
  7. Lust and Sin (Ps. 106:14; Ex. 32)
  8. Idolatry (1 Cor 10:18-22)
When you do this, it is not pleasing to God. No matter how much pain you are going through. There is a difference between whining, complaining and expressing what is going on in a detailed fashion. Does your life meet the conditions of 1 Corinthians 10:1-12? Verse 9 talks about how we should not tempt Christ. You are tempting Him whether you realize it or not.
He has provided you a way to escape from your sickness. I believe your Pain was upon your body before you were saved. All of the diseases in our world are judgments from God that He placed upon a rebellious people. When Eve ate that apple not only was our spirit brought to rot but also our nature (The element from the natural world, in which we were made in the flesh has become contaminated with filth). When we are saved, we have to put on the new man, which also bring many privileges.
Study the promises God gave to His people. If you are not experiencing those promises in your life, then it is not the father who is at fault, but it is you. His promises are contingent upon obedience. Take a look at yourself. What are you not doing? It is as if God has His hands stretched forth with a present in his Hand, and you are not reaching forth to get it.
First of all the Bible calls you to be content, with your situation and rely on His son.
You don’t have to ask God for healing, He already said yes! For some reason, you’re not reaching out for the gift.
Scriptures: I John 5:14-15 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."
"Psalm 68:19 "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!"
 NOTE - This is the heart of the Father toward us. Daily it is His will to bring us to the place of the realization of His benefits for us. Notice it connects the advantages to salvation. The word here for salvation is the Hebrew word Yeshuwah, and it means deliverance, to give aid to, prosperity, victory and even includes health! It is interesting that this is a similar Hebrew word for the Name Jesus - Yashua, which means He shall save. And that is precisely what Jesus purchased for us on the cross - salvation, deliverance and wholeness. Insist upon and receive your benefits today, they belong to you. Put your foot down on sickness and disease and command it to leave in the name of Jesus. 
What I’m trying to get at is this:
You need to have faith to receive the present that is yours. In Luke 17:5 the apostles ask for greater faith (they received it). This is a gift that you should pray for and covet. Otherwise, faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17).
Take it upon yourself and believe what has been promised to you.  Sickness is not a part of your inheritance.


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