A sister in Christ wrote:
Thanks for the videos, a bit about me with a few questions thrown in.
Hi. Thank you so much for your kind videos. You do a very special and beautiful thing for myself and many others.
I wanted to tell you a bit about myself and ask your opinion on a few matters. I am a 28-year-old Christian woman from England. I am very open minded and believe Jesus is the only way, but some people follow unconsciously. What I mean by that is that they practice the faith and love that Jesus taught without knowing anything about Jesus. I have been to many different churches in my life and revived many blessings from doing so. I see real church as being the people and not the place.
Sorry, I am drained and would prefer to finish this communication tomorrow.
Thanks for your kindness.
God bless bless.
My Response:
Hey, sister, we have something in common. I am also opened minded. Jesus is the only way. I am very closed-minded on this subject. The bible clearly states He is the only way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). If people follow some other way then there deceived.
People who know what Jesus taught and know nothing about Jesus are lost. Why?
They cannot be saved and not look at Christ as the precious Spirit He is. He ought to be the entire world to them. Only real Christians understand their grotesque nature and realized what Jesus died for. Not only for our sins, but He saved us from the wrath of God. He saved us from Himself. Knowing how destitute they are of any good, disgusting, and abominable we (true Christians) depend on Jesus who is the redeemer of those who was bound to hell. When you are saved and do the will of God, Hell is not at your front door. Do you realize what Christ has done? If a person did how can one not seek Him? Do you understand the greatness of our wrong? He reconciled Man back to God. Do you know the benefits of this? Very few people here the true gospel preached.
How is a person going to love what He taught and ignore the greatest commandment, Loving the Lord your God will all your soul, strength and Heart? How do you do that? Seeking Him in scripture, and praying for greater revelation of Jesus. Then you proceed to live as He said live. God does everything he does, For the Glory of His son. Jesus does everything He does, for the Glory of His Father. So if one calls Him/herself the child of God, how are you going to find unimportant, what God finds most valuable.
You know what, those people are lost carnal church members who have religion, not God. How is the one going to be an imitator of Christ when a person never talks to Him or knows nothing of Him? And this commandment God does give.
If you’re not moving around a lot, then stick to one church. Don’t be a church hopper. If you’re battling between whether you agree with the teachings of one particular church towards another, then I understand. I would fast and pray to God, to lead you to a church. God has blown His candle out on a lot of pretty building who call itself a church.
I agree with you, the church (temple) is the body, where God dwells. Church (as it is commonly used) is the fellowship of the saints. It’s hard enough being a true persecuted Christian in this world, don’t you think? It’s good to fellowship with other saints so that you may encourage each other through the Holy Spirit and grow in knowledge. If you think you don’t need encouragement, then maybe you’re the one who needs to encourage your other brothers and sisters. Serve your brethren (Galatians 5:13).
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