Title: The reason for being.
God is the most important substance in life. He flows through everything that is. His blood is etched into the very fabric of nature. It can even be said that His fingerprint is everywhere.
As children of God, we have been redeemed. Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Walking in the newness of life God grants us new desires. The sins we once loved, we now hate. Things of this world will know longer satisfy us.
As we grow more in Christ infatuation of whom He excites us. If we backslide from Christ reality and/or lose focus, we will try to fill our self with vain things that won’t satisfy. For example: If our reason for working isn’t to honor Christ we will feel bored and tiresome. If we eat to please the flesh, it can become overly excessive.
His children have come into the knowledge of who God is. If you have actually been saved nothing can satisfy your heart's contentment without Christ being the center of it all. If our reason for doing anything isn’t based solely on the work Jesus did on Calvary, it is idolatry.
Example: Being backslidden will stop you from experiencing Gods fullness although eventually, your foolishness will get you into a slump. Then you must humble yourself and repent.
Example: Being backslidden will stop you from experiencing Gods fullness although eventually, your foolishness will get you into a slump. Then you must humble yourself and repent.
The Lord is the most beautiful thing that is… He is so amazing. Anything of beauty shadows the one true God. Christ lives in his children, and we also live in Him (1 John 4:13). “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17).” The heart is the most powerful muscle in our body. If God has our heart, He has our body. Thus it is safe to assume that our desires are His and if we walk in the flesh we walk away from ourselves.
Humans are made to be injunction with a divine source. As soon As Adam and Eve tried to make decisions apart from God, they condemned the whole world. Humans function best when God is in the center of all we do. It’s not about functioning better, but as we walk in the Spirit, we know more of Christ, which is a fantastic treat.
How do I walk in such a way where I will honor Christ?
-Do all that you do for His glory alone.
Can you give me an example?
-Sure, Instead of drinking water because you are thirsty, drink so you can continue speaking to someone about Christ. Drink so you can keep talking to the Lord. Drink so you can further sing praises to Him. Drink, so you will bring about repentance and peace.
Do not eat because you are hungry. Eat because you want to nourish your body to such an extent where you can continue doing His will without interruption.
Instead of brushing your teeth to make them white, brush them so that an individual will be more inclined to listen to what you have to say regarding anything He utters through you.
Wow, Hmm So then what?
-Praise God. You will find a newfound excitement for the medial tasks that you must do on a daily basis. You do not do things for earthly gain but Heavenly expansion.
I’ll probably try that.
He looks on the earth, and it trembles;
He touches the hills, and they smoke.
He touches the hills, and they smoke.
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
May my meditation be sweet to Him;
I will be glad in the Lord.
Psalm 104:32-34
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
May my meditation be sweet to Him;
I will be glad in the Lord.
Psalm 104:32-34
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