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Standing on the Rock (Obeying Gods Instruction)

Praise God. God revealed a concept to me that will be beneficial to other Christians. Lately, I have talked to brothers and sisters in Christ who want to get closer to the Lord although disobedience will hinder that walk.


Sin hinders getting closer to the Father.

What is sin?

Sin is a transgression of the law (1 John 3:4).
Rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:8)

Didn’t God take upon Himself our sins?

Yes, God crushed His only begotten son under the fullness of His wrath. Jesus Christ acted as our penal substitution so that we can be declared legally righteous before a Holy and Just God.


…. As soon as Christ died on Calvary, our relationship has and always will be 100%. A relationship with Christ is a revealing of His love for us not a making of it. Therefore If God is infinite so is His love for us and it takes an eternity to grasp. Like any revelation, we must spend time in the word and seek out the Holy Spirit. –Read more

I sinned ok. I’ll just repent.

Yes, we must confess our sins before God, but also turn from them.

How do I turn from them?

In scripture, God gives us biblical principles to live by to obey and follow them. We should ask the Holy Spirit for guidance while renewing our mind in the word every day.

Yeah, but I keep backsliding, though. I don’t know why. Why?

“Christians do sin (1 John 1:8). Believers are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). We have the Holy Spirit in us producing good fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). A Christian’s life is a changed life. Christians are forgiven no matter how many times they sin, but at the same time Christians should live a more holy life progressively, as they grow closer to Christ.” -Read more


A True Christian cannot fall away as not to return (2 Timothy 2:11-13).

I don’t feel like you answered my question?

Some of Gods characteristics are omniscient (Job 27:16; 1 John 3:20; Romans 11:33), holy (Psalm 88:9), righteous (Psalm 116:5; Ezra 9:15), sovereign (Genesis 1), and love (1 John 4).

We often overemphasize Gods love above other attributes, but this is wrong. God is as much just and righteous as He is love.

Hmm, tell me more?

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8)
Omniscient means Gods knows everything and His knowledge is complete (Psalm 147:5).

Who God is and what He says walks hand in hand.

How do they walk hand in hand?

God is solid, like a rock. He is perfect in all His ways. We are either 100% with Him, or against Him, there is no in between (Luke 16:13).  Therefore, what He instructs us to do is holy and stable. If we then disregard His instruction and do our own thing, we sin.


We have denounced the One who is holy (absolutely other than any creation). We have insulted His intelligence (Omniscience). We say His dealings with us are questionable (the attribute of righteousness is the way His Holiness is expressed when dealing with men). He rules His creation wrong (He either does it perfect or entirely wrong).  We also show our lack of thankfulness regarding the love God portrayed to us on the cross.

We must not be passive about the instructions God gives us.


When we repent and turn from our sin the instruction that made us backslide beforehand is still there. Often times, He will test us to teach us how to obey His authority to do that precise instruction.

We cannot only pick the rock up and throw it in the pond and forget it. A huge boulder is too heavy to pick up likewise Gods instruction will remain weighty in our heart.

God will teach you to obey.

Are you saying I must obey regardless of how I feel?

Yes, we must. Ask God for more faith, fast, and pray. When our will doesn’t match up with God, our thoughts are from satan, and they must be rebuked. Paul urges us to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) In other words we must bring every thought into the fire (bible). If it does not stand let it be done away with a rebuke.

What must I do?

Humble yourself and repent and do what God has instructed. Put God before everything. Consider Him above feelings.

May I have an example?
Your sleeping and you have to go to the bathroom. You don’t want to go, but it’s needed unless you’ll have an accident. You’d rather go to the bathroom before that happens. 

You’re sleeping, and God urges you to pray. Waking up a little you don’t pray justifying yourself by saying “I’m so tired.” Your Idol just became sleep, and you told God “I esteem my body releases above you.” Repent!

I never thought about it like that before. Give me an example of how I should obey?

You are praying and crying out to God. You just prayed, “I want to be closer to you Lord.” God then urges you to wash your red car. You then get irritated and go to sleep.

Now let's say you obeyed.

You went outside and washed your dirty red car. While washing, God gives you a revelation. The car symbolizes Jesus. The color red means man’s sins being downloaded into Jesus on the cross. The washing represents the washing away of sins by Jesus’s work. Soon you think of the holes in Jesus hands and feet. You begin to cry, and there remains a sweet peace. The car is now clean, and the sun comes out shining bright. You then go inside to pray basking in that peace and joy.

The next day your car is covered in water spots because it was air-dried.  God urges and/or tells you to clean the vehicle again a different way… Provided Hey may give you another revelation.

Like what?

Perhaps, even though He washed away our sins, Jesus’s life in us will shine best when we continue washing our mind in the word every day, taking seriously our need to beautify ourselves before the Lord.

So that’s how it works?

How God chooses to show us (His elect) His love varies.

How encouraging

Here are some quotes I came by while scrolling through my feed on Facebook:

“Sometimes the devil will let you have whatever you want so you won't need God.” – Anonymous

I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born says the Lord -Isaiah 66:9.

Mathew 7:24-27

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.



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