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Praise God. Personal Dialogue with the Lord.


Hi? How are you doing?

Praise God. I am doing well. I know I haven’t written a blog in forever.

Where have you been?

You know I’ve been around. You’ve seen me here and there. You know remember that one time and that other place.


I thought I might share a conversation between God and I with you. Perhaps it will encourage you to further your walk with Christ.

Praise God. Awesome. You remember the whole conversation?

Yes and no. As we spoke together I wrote the whole thing down testing the spirit of course!

Cool! Why did you decide to share a conversation with God now?

I felt led to besides the Lord is my greatest treasure and I treasure you so expensive things put with other expensive things is a gracious display of beauty.  This conversation is 100% unrefined, raw, fresh, and pure. It's not edited so it’ll be interesting.

Great! Lets begin

Ok! Wait!


I just wanted to say…

Get on with it!

Lol ok ok ok… I just wanted to say the things written in parenthesis are not part of the conversation but it’s meant to help you understand what’s being said. Remember this is a discussion between God and I.


Ok. But wait!


Nothing. I just wanted to say that patience is a virtue. Lol ok here we go.


Jasmine: Hey Daddy! How are you? (I was lying down on my bed.)

God: Hello my sweet lovely angel I am well.

Jasmine: What are you doing?

God: Watching the world.   

Jasmine: You always say that. lol

God: I always do that. Would you like to watch it with me? (He meant to go to space and literally watch the world. It’s usually followed by an amazing revelation. I go with Him often but I had others things on my mind).

Jasmine: No I don’t feel like it. I was just thinking about Idk. What are you thinking about?

God: Ok that’s fine. I’m thinking about how beautiful you are my love. I adore you so very much.

Jasmine: (I smiled). I love you to so very very very much.

God: (God smiles): I in fact love you more.

Jasmine:  I’m pretty sure I will love you forever.

God: I will love you for all eternity. I am eternal.

Jasmine: I’m going to live eternally to so I love you more.

God: You have to be eternal to love eternally. I indeed was not born.

Jasmine: Technically I live in Jesus who knew me before I was made. He knew what would happen so as He lives so did I.

God: You weren’t existent. You were more like a beautiful thought.

Jasmine: You know what they say thoughts are forever and they keep you young.

God: Who says that? (He laughs).

(I know that Gods love is beyond anyone’s love. I was just joking and God knew that. He played along).

God: Baby what are you thinking about?

Jasmine: Sometimes I just feel tired of everything. Sometimes I wish that my life could be simple. Sometimes I wish I didn’t see what I see. I just get so worked up about the smallest things because I see it in the greatest detail.

God: Jasmine you just need to rely on me more you’ll be fine. You asked me years ago to constantly have my vision? You don’t want it?

Jasmine: No No No I’m not Curzy (the ghetto way of saying crazy) Shoot!

God: (God laughs) Tell me your heart love.

Jasmine: Well, sometimes I feel very spiritually drained. When my spirit is drained my physical energy is also.  This world is so wicked. Sometimes I cry about it! The constant evils and the absolute refusal to acknowledge you as Lord is heart wrenching. Slanders, atrocious vulgar acts, and sin itself I do have great enmity for.

I see a lot of need through my discernment. Need for this and for that even amongst my own family and I am utterly and overly overwhelmed.

God: My love what else?

Jasmine: I know you show me things so I can see which is absolutely fine. You show me things so I can help which is absolutely great. But when I see so much it’s absolutely draining and worrisome. I see issues and I want to help but I am only a person.

God: Honey, I want you to depend upon me.

Me: I do. I do all the time. But when I’m in my house, and I see my neighbor’s great needs (for Christ and other personal affairs) It just overtakes me with grief. It's like when someone is standing in the middle of the road, and a car is coming, you tell me to sit there trust that’s they will be ok at the same time. I see no other person around that will tell them there about to die!

God: My love I adore you and love you. I am so proud of you. You’ve learned so much and I long to share my heart with you a lot more. You have seen the many grievances of my heart. Those things that, I have shared with you, isn’t even a portion of the fullness of my grief. I have showed you many wonders of my heart also which I know, you do love.

Jasmine: I do. That’s why when you asked me if I wish to not see (I meant see spiritually discerning and seeing things how God sees them. This is a very exhausting gift if you don’t know how to pray in a way where you draw strength from the Lord) anymore I said,  “of course I do.”  

It’s been four years (since I received my gifts) and I learned a lot. I just need direction I think.

God: My darling daughter I will always give you direction. I will always provide for you and take care of you. All the moments you have expressed your pain I have been there and I will be forever present. It is ok to have matters weighty on your heart because they are heavy on mine. These things will not crush you but strengthen you. Nothing can crush you and nothing truly ever has because your foundation is firmly rooted in me, which gives you strength. I give you nutrients to continue, and thence you will portray my beauty and be a fragrance, which is the very nature of your name.

Jasmine: (I smiled) Yeah that’s true. Well what do you think I should do?

God: Babe, what do you want to do?

Jasmine: I want to continue school majoring in computer engineering then I want to go to seminary for at least two years. I want to portray your life and be a light to those walking through valleys of grief and discouragement.

God: Really?

Jasmine: Yeah! I want this life. It's simple it’s nice. It helps people. I don’t need much just essentials.

God: What! Jasmine you are a very needy person.

Jasmine: No I am not! Lol

God: (God laughs hysterically) Yes you are. You have a very introvert persona. You might not draw from others but you consume bucket loads of who I am.  Remember when you were in the throne room today and my son was talking to you. An angel 3 feet away wanted to tell my son something. So He told you to hold on and talked to the angel for about three seconds. When He came back you had your arms crossed angry and tapping your foot.

Jasmine: lol. That’s a little overdramatic don’t you think?

God: This is exactly how it played out.

Jasmine: Fine so I am a person that’s dependent on you. So what? That’s not bad.
God: My love I didn’t say it was. It’s very good. Any marriage plans in this simple life you want?

Jasmine: Well I was thinking about it. I thought of a few marriage prospects.

God: Like whom? If they are not of my Spirit, that would be out of the question.

Jasmine: Perhaps a pastor or an engineer.

God: Whom?

Jasmine: I don’t know a particular person that meets my qualifications for a biblical Godly husband. Well there is this one person but he’s got his own thing going on and Idk if I want to live that sort of high society life. It is just a thought I’d prefer not to be married though. I’d probably adopt like my mom did with my brothers.

God: Hmmm I see. I’d prefer you not to marry at this time.

Jasmine: At this time?

God: I prefer you not to marry at all (God laughs)

Jasmine: Ok great I don’t plan to although it’s a nice thought.

God: So you told me the just of your little simple life but I have so much more for you then that my wonderful love. I have lots of things to show you good and grievous.

Jasmine. How nice.

God: My love it will be an adventure. You know what I have told you. It will indeed come to pass. I love you and I am so excited about what is to come.

Jasmine: I am very encouraged darling thank you. I suppose I will continue to trust in you.

God: You suppose?

Jasmine: I will! Lol. We have had these conversations before and they went well. I have scene your vision (I can’t go into it right now but I will later) and would like to be apart of it.

God: My dazzling beauty you are already apart of it. I will explain more to you later about it.

Jasmine: Ugh!

God: What’s the matter?

Jasmine: When I think about everything my spirit feels drained already.

God: Those nights where you feel virtue has gone out of you come to me in prayer and I will strengthen you bright like the sun. Those tears you shed are also mine and we’ll hold each other. If the enemy throws thoughts your way then I will give you a vision of what that demon looks like and we will watch as it is destroyed in fire being torn limb from limb. Then my love we will laugh and take joy in the moment of that time and exist as you were created to simply living in me and with me.

Jasmine: Wow you make it sound like a beautiful poem.

God: You can check out more of my poetry if you like.
(God has many rooms in Heaven that carry his poetry regarding his Son, eternity and all of His children)

Jasmine: Have you written more poems about me specifically?

God: About 50 more then what I told you in the past.

Jasmine: Ooh I’ll go and check it out sometime.

What about my friends?

God: Like whom?

Jasmine: Pria, Mecca, Danie, and Rebecca…

God: Yes many about them.

Jasmine: Sylvia?

God: Yes her to.

Jasmine: I have to see those. Perhaps if you tell me I can tell them.

God: (God Laughs) At the appointed time I will allow you to do so.

Jasmine: I am greatly encouraged! I’m going to clean my room.

God: Yes baby I love so much darling, so very very much.

Jasmine: I love you more then anyone or thing.

God: Anything else you’d like to discuss with me baby?
Jasmine: No I just got to clean and baby sit tomorrow.

God: Yeah me two. I babysit all the time I can give you pointers.

Jasmine: Like what?

God: Mary use to give Jesus a potato to play with when He was a toddler.

Jasmine: I’ll try that with Grayson (My 1 year old nephew) Thank you!

God: (God smiles) your welcome.

End of conversation…

Praise God. Hey Everyone. I hoped this conversation between God and I blessed you. I didn’t want to post this because my conversations with God are so very personal. I thought about editing it and making the convo sound mainstream. God reminded me that I already said it would be authentic. Lol Well this is very authentic and real.

I’m a person that is to myself. Making this conversation public to the world was a great challenge and struggle. Praise God. I did it. God has been talking to me about being more open with people so this is my first step. Hmmm. If our conversation blessed you somehow please let me know. If I see a lot of people are blessed by my conversation with God I will make more. If you don’t like it please let me know because I would be happy not making more at all lol.

If you do like it please feel free to give me topics to discuss with God next. It will be just as authentic and fun as this one. I would leave your name out of course.

Have a great day

-Jasmine Capri


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