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WMSCOG members tried to recruit me

Praise God. On January 22, 2015, I came across the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) trying to recruit people in the student union of my college. There was a crowd of people gathered around them, out of curiosity I stood there for awhile. I wasn’t sure what they believed because I’ve never heard of this denomination and “Elohim” was written in big white letters, so I perceived they were regular Christians. Soon a lady approached me and asked, “Hello, have you heard of God the mother?” I politely said, “No I have not.” This lady asked, “Would you like to know more about it?” Then I complied with her request.

This individual proceeded to tell me that men and women were both made in Gods image. She goes on to say that most churches recognize God the Father and ignore God the mother. She pointed to select verses (I don’t remember which ones) to prove the existence of God the Mother and asked if I’d like to have a bible study with her. I gave them my phone number and email, and within two days we scheduled to meet in the student union.

I’m always looking to preach Christ. Even though I don’t agree with the WMSCOG, they will heed my words if I listened to them. I attended three meeting with this lady and her friend within the span of four months. In our first two meeting, I did nothing but listen. During our last meeting, the gospel was proclaimed to them. They quickly changed the subject and would not answer my weightier questions about the origin of their faith.

WMSCOG hold very heretical beliefs such as:
·      There are two gods called god the father and god the mother.
·      A Korean man named Ahn Sahng-Hong who founded the church in 1964 is believed to be the returning Christ.
·      A Korean woman named Zang Gil-Jah is the “heavenly mother.” She is currently alive.
·      People are fallen, angels.
·      One must be baptized in water and continually celebrate Jewish feasts to be saved.

More info:

Soon After I scheduled to meet with these ladies at the public library, but I accidently gave them the wrong address. A week later we planned to meet at college but I canceled that meeting being prompted by the Lord, so instead, I wrote them this email.

2/6/2017 Update: 
This post has become popular. I noticed I had a lot of spelling errors in this post, so I cleaned it up. People also wanted a cleaner document to read. The previous report was written in a font similar to cursive. This new document is written in Times New Roman. It is also revised and the mistypes are corrected.

The New Document

The old Document:

Praise God. After I had sent this email to the lady who I met in the student union, she responded via text.

Lady (This is precisely how she texted me):

“Thank you for your email I really wish we could meet. Ahn Sahng-Hong is the second coming Christ not because he said he was, but he proved he was by fulfilling prophecies. That’s why I wanted to study prophecies, which was the only way to recognize Jesus too not by miracles. But world mission society never says when judgment will happen because it will be a thief but we can know 2nd coming through prophecies.

It was nice to meet you too and please go on true website not ones made by slanderers whose purpose is to shut heaven in peoples faces just like 2000 years ago. I hope you have a great day jasmine and please if ever you want to study the prophecies God gave for us to recognize true God let me know.

Have a blessed day And bible says Christ must come from unbelievers and after he preached to the 7th day Adventist (which was only church who kept close to truth at that time they refused to follow teaching of bible concerning Passover and even what bible said concerning food so he had to preach for those who only wanted to follow Gods word not adding or subtracting rev 22:18. Just wanted to clear that part up a little. Your so sweet Jasmine I pray and hope God leads you :)."

My Response (via text):

Praise God. Hello, Thank you for responding. I do not wish to meet again regarding that doctrine but with the truths of the Gospel. I used this website: I never went on any slanderous website to get my information.

I'm reminded of reminded of Mathew 24:23-31 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘there!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together."

Praise God. 
There have been many men claiming to be Jesus with followers. I will pray for your salvation. Thank you for your time.


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