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Convo with God and Jesus. Feeling Disheartened

God and I had this conversation on November -7-2015

Praise God.

Me: I feel like people are disappointed in me. I have had such a great life. I’ve always had the most excellent food, the newest clothes, and the latest hairdos.

Jesus: That is what you call a good life? Baby, you have a small view of the world.

Me: I’m not finished. I have had bad things happen, but it’s been mostly because I caused them. For the most part, it was very lovely. I always had support and lived in a friendly neighborhood. I still enjoyed family vacations, and I don’t remember not getting something I wanted for Christmas. I still had the latest technologies and just …Yeah…

Jesus: Sweetheart, what then is the problem?

Me: So many good things yet people remember the bad so distinctly.  My mother has invested so much in me so has Joycelyn, I feel like I’m letting them down. What am I doing for them? I’m 23 now and trying to figure out where I fit in the world. They want me to go to college. I have this internship in a couple months, but I should be doing more with my life. I don’t even take care of myself sometimes.

I’m not trying to go off in a pity party although I have thought about this a lot and we talk about it. I keep forgetting what you say, and I’d like to remember your rhythmic songs (Gods words of wisdom).

God: My love we have talked about this many times and the devil is trying to play you for a fool.

Me: It led me to stop what I was doing to talk to you. Shouldn’t you, therefore, be thanking the devil (it’s a joke)? Isn’t the purpose to deter me away from God? Whatever demon doing the devils bidding is probably in trouble.

God: (Smiles and laughs), yes darling you have a point.

I have blessed you in this life. You have also had struggles. But in all those things outside of me you felt empty. Nothing can fill you as I can, and the very essence of who you are is my presence. If that disappoints people, let their spirits die.

Me: Ok, but I’m answering messages and…

God: Baby! I took you out of school to teach you things about who I am. I have a plan, and you do my will. I know you struggle with some of the things I tell you to do, but The Holy Spirit is working on that with you. Every believer has something they need to work on, yours just happen to be a little more visible. This is good because people watch you and they will be encouraged.

Me: I’m glad that you took your time out to talk to me. You are such a blessing. I have been thinking about stuff, and I understand how you operate now and how you want me to spend time with you. I notice I have these thoughts because you have called me into yourself and I don’t listen sometimes. I will do away with everything that distracts me away from your grace. I learn from you every day, and  I am grateful.
I went to sleep...
The next day…

Jesus: Hello! Beautiful, good morning! I’m glad that you are up. I love you so much and know that I always will. You are welcome.


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