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The Muddy Crown

   The Lord called me to His bosom, and my heart leaped for joy. I was laying down on my bed thinking about what I was going to do for the rest of the day. Suddenly, God spoke to my spirit saying, “baby come see me.” I traveled to heaven at the speed of thought. Before I knew it, I was on the forever bridge where I regularly meet God.

  The forever bridge is a beautiful bridge that stretches from as far as the eye can see. It’s a pathway through the heavens and galaxies. I meet God in the middle of the forever bride overlooking the earthly and heavenly clouds. From this point, I can see planet earth, the sun, and the moon in all its glory.

  As I appeared before God, we didn’t speak. My heart knows the words of God, and He knows mine. My relationship with God is like water; you don’t know where it begins or ends, that’s because it doesn’t and never will. Next to God Jesus appeared dressed in a very raggedy robe. It was brown and with holes near the feet. I also saw Him wearing a dull black belt around His waist. Jesus usually appears in extravagance, homey likes to show out. I gave Jesus a confused look as I walked around Him in disbelief. He took my hand, and we appeared in a dusty and dull atmosphere. Jesus and I didn’t have shoes on which made the situation even more bizarre.

  Just beyond where Jesus and I are standing there is a huge mud pit. In the middle of the mud pit there lay a beautiful crown floating 1 inch above it. Jesus spoke and said, “go get it for me please.” I responded with, “sure.” As soon as I stepped into the mud pit, I realized I was wearing an even dirtier robe than He was. My gown was white and tattered. I shrugged it off and made my way slowly through the raw sludge. It took a couple of minutes, but I finally made it to the crown. I grabbed it and hurried out of the pit to make my way toward Jesus because I have many questions to ask Him. As I made my way closer to Him Jesus helped me, He lifted me up and set me on the ground. I took this time to study the crown which appeared to have ancient designs and symbols on it. I held it up to Jesus and said, “here you go.” Jesus took the crown and spoke, “thank you, love.”

  Jesus sat on the ground next to me. He looked at me with His beautiful eyes and said, “do you know why I had you get my crown?” I replied, “no.” Jesus said, “guess.” I was silent for a couple of minutes, and Jesus said, “I had you get the crown because you need to learn how to serve me during tough situations. I am in beautiful places, and I am in poor areas. In the future, you will come across people who are dirty and sick. Most people wouldn’t want to touch or associate with them. You got my crown for me with no problem. I need you to serve my people alongside me with no problem. This situation won’t be your usual tough issue rather you’ll be dealing with unlovable people. These people don’t look like crowns, but I want to place one on their head when they pass into eternity (2 Corinthians 4:8). I dress this way because these people are my children, they are me. Do you love me?”  I replied with, “yes I love you.”

  Jesus and I looked at each other for a long time. His beautiful eyes are piercing into my soul, and I’m fawning over His beauty. He begins to take my hand, and we stand up at the same time. With the crown still in His hand, He places it on my head. By some miracle, we appear in the throne room, and I’m wearing a white dress that reaches to my knees. On my dress, there are gold tassels and symbols I don’t recognize meaning hope, freedom, and righteous. The crown is shining brightly on my head. The Lords dirty robes were back to His usual extravagance. Jesus says,” The crown is now yours.” We embrace each other for what seemed like hours, even so, that’s not enough time.

  Jesus comes to our world in the form of a child. He broke the veil that separated us from God on Calvary by taking Gods wrath upon himself. He walked about like an ordinary man without beauty in His outward appearance (Isaiah 53:2). He reached the downtrodden in His society with the hope of the gospel, so must we.


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