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Showing posts from February, 2013

The White Church (poem) Black History Month

My mother asked me to write a poem for her conservative Pentecostal Church about God and Black History. February is Black History month. Time passed, and I forgot to write it.  My mother gave me a reminder on Saturday when she needed it the next day February 24, 2013.  It needed to be a limited length because it will be on a program. To write a good poem, it takes me 3 or 4 hours. Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Why don’t we do it together." I said “sure” excitedly. We finished it in an hour or less. This is the result. Enjoy! We hope you are blessed by it. Title: The White Church She sings in the gallows of the city She sings in the rain She sings She sing’s “I need thee.” Plea, my Chosen unto Heaven She sings She sings, “I will drink your leaven.” Come upon the road and till your ground She sings she sings, “turn around.” Work thy fields and gather thy gin (clean raw cotton) She sings She sings, “low my sin.” Fin She becomes black and sown with hollo...

Basics of Spiritual Matters.

The spiritual realm is where spirits of good and bad dwell, that is opposed to matter (solid, liquid and Gas).  Our human body is matter because we are physically composed. There are only two realms the physical realm and the spiritual realm. In the spiritual realm, there are angels and demons.  God and Jesus are spirits. God and Jesus can make themselves known in either the physical or spiritual realm. The angels have this ability as well. Angels must get permission from the Father first. In the physical realm, there are Humans and other objects.  We have two spirits living inside of us called the soul and spirit. When the soul and spirit merge together, it creates the inner man, which is our true being. The fleshly body is just a home God put us in. Hence our flesh is made out of the dirt. When we die, are physical bodies is going back into the ground. Depending on your salvation status, you yourselves (Inner man) are going to Heaven or hell.  The spiritual ...

I love the His law but I dont know Jesus

A sister in Christ wrote: Thanks for the videos, a bit about me with a few questions thrown in. Hi. Thank you so much for your kind videos. You do a very special and beautiful thing for myself and many others. I wanted to tell you a bit about myself and ask your opinion on a few matters. I am a 28-year-old Christian woman from England. I am very open minded and believe Jesus is the only way, but some people follow unconsciously. What I mean by that is that they practice the faith and love that Jesus taught without knowing anything about Jesus. I have been to many different churches in my life and revived many blessings from doing so. I see real church as being the people and not the place. Sorry, I am drained and would prefer to finish this communication tomorrow. Thanks for your kindness. God bless bless.  My Response:   Hey, sister, we have something in common. I am also opened minded. Jesus is the only way. I am very closed-minded on this subject....

5 Things God Hates in Women

5 Things God Hates in Women       1. Haughtiness and Pride (Isaiah 3:16; 10:33; Pr. 6:17, 18:12)       2 .Walking with stretched forth necks (Isaiah 3:16, Neh. 9:16, Pr. 75:5) -This means displaying the neck, elevating and extending it, thus indicating pride and arrogance.      3. Walking with Wanton eyes (Pr. 6:13; 10:10) -The Hebrew word Sagar means to lie and deceive -This refers to alluring by a wanton and fascinating look of the eyes; making the eyes glance wantonly.     4. Walking and mincing as they go (Isaiah 3:16) -Moving the body to attract the lust of a man.     5. Making a tinkling with their feet ( Isaiah 3:16) -During Isaiah's time, woman adorned themselves with ankle rings and bells. This would cause them to bring unnecessary attention to themselves. (Dakes Bible) Everything is based on the intent of the heart.

Secrets on how to have a better relationship with God.

Secret Number 1. Stop Praying. I know what you’re­ thinking (what!).  - Most people’s definition of praying is: praying for themselves, the people that they love and the whole body of Christ. They also include the things that they want. That’s not bad, but pray for these things ONCE A DAY. If this is your prayer life it is not hard to understand why you have a standard relationship with Him. Are you saying I can’t pray about these things? -NO! I’m saying they shouldn’t be the only things you pray about. Secret Number 2. Pray from the heart. -To have a closer relationship with God you should stop your version of praying. Asking God to do a bunch of things for you is not a sufficient prayer life. Prayer is actually talking to Him. -It’s good to ask him for things. -Tell him about your day, your desire for Him, and your love for him, proceed talking about the things that you love about him and questions about His character. -Tell him how much and/or how badly ...

"I need to be more confident in myself"

A brother in Christ wrote: I can't fully explain this but I need acting/performance abilities, like a spirit that helps me to act much better and more confident. I prayed on it, but nothing and I got an exam next week My response: What you need are wisdom and understanding. You want to be more confident in what yourself?  It’s awesome that you are not confident in yourself. What is there to celebrate about your fallen nature? What you should be confident in is Jesus Christ. You need to realize who and what you are in Him. You have a lack of confidence because you’re motioning your regenerated spirit to be pleased with a dead carcass (your fallen nature). You need to be in practice studying the scriptures and live in your divine spirit through the flesh (showing the fruits of God). You can ask God for strength at times where you’re feeble because the flesh can be puffed up. 1. Do not give into its temptation (ex. Sexual desires) 2. Do not watch what you shouldn’t watch (ex....

Sickness is not apart of your inheritance

 NOTE: SICKNESS IS NOT APART OF YOUR INHERITANCE, IF YOU ARE A JUSTIFIED, REFORMED, CONTINUALLY BEING SANCTIFIED (BY GOD) CHRISTIAN.  A SISTER IN CHRIST WROTE "I'm just so tired. The pain is really, really bad. my blood pressure continues to stay low. therefore, they can't give me more pain meds. My body is just sooooo tired of hurting. 2 cor 10:13 says God will NOT put more on us than we can handle without a window of escape! Oh jasmine...I have been hanging by a thread for sooo long waiting for that window of escape. I've asked God "IF" it is NOT His will to take this cup from please help me to understand why and what His will is for me to do in the condition I am in. I can not explain the pain that I'm in. It is sooo bad. I just don;t understand WHY My Lord is continuing to allow this in my life when I'm His Child. I'm just sooo tired of being tired. I just don't know how much longer I can take this suffering. the dr said h...

Praise God on your bed of Fire for His RIGHTEOUSNESS. AM I SAVED?

Disclaimer: This is a message I wrote to a brother a long time ago. Since then I have grown to love. I will continue to keep this post up because God wants me to. This post still holds great truths. God has taught me a lot since then in dealing with His people, Amen. A person wrote me: I must say I have growing concerns about actually belonging to God. After reading 1 John I questioned if I was truly one of God's children. So I would like you to have a look at my inner man. And tell me what needs fixing. Could you please ask God if I am His, that is to say, wants if I am saved. And please ask Him if I should continue my relationship with my girlfriend because I always feel like she is cheating on me. At times I wonder if it's God's will for me to remain single for the rest of my life. I feel as though I shouldn't be with anyone as it would hinder what God me to do. I could be wrong. My Response: No, I will not look at your inner man for that reason. I look into ...

Daniel 7:25 misunderstanding

A sister in Christ wrote: Hi, this is (name withheld). How you're doing? Anyway, I would like to tell you the TRUTH about the TIME, but first I would like to ask you a couple questions. HOW MANY DAYS IN A WEEK? answer: 7 days HOW MANY WEEKS IN A MONTH? answer: 4 weeks 7 TIMES 4 = 28 DAYS 7 times 4 will NOT give you 29, 30, or 31. So the TRUTH is the months of the year ONLY have 28 DAYS. The person whose responsible for messing up with dates and times is the "BEAST" or a.k.a THE KING. Daniel:25 And he shall speak great words against the highest and shall wear out the Saints of the Most High, AND THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. My Response: Hi (name withheld) I have been great. When I first read your message I was confused honestly. Yes, there are four weeks in a month and added days in some. All months in a year do not have 28 days. Think about it, how does...

Spiritual Gifts Definitions.

Celibacy - is a state totally opposed to all of the biological, social, and emotional needs built into man or woman by God. Only God is able to overrule instincts and by grace control them so that a person can remain unmarried. Being unmarried is not necessarily the same as having this gift. Those who have this gift remain single because they feel they can serve the Lord better that way. People with this gift: - remain single so as to be able to devote themselves completely to ministry. - have other gifts that they are able to use more efficiently because they are celibate. 1 Corinthians 7:1-9 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Matthew 19:10-12 Wisdom - The special ability that God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to know the mind of the Holy Spirit in such a way as to receive insight into how knowledge may best be applied to specific needs arising in the body of Christ. People with this gift: - focus on the unseen consequences in determining the next steps to tak...

How do I hear God? How do I hear Him more clearly?

A Sister in Christ wrote to me: I was just trying to research how to hear God's voice. When I first became a Christian, I use to hear it so clearly. Now, it's so faint that I'm not even sure if it was him or not. How can I hear Him? Note: I recommend fasting it works wonders. My Response: You don’t need to research how to hear God's voice. You’re looking at things from one perspective. Do you think you want to talk to God more then He wants to speak to you?  When you first became a Christian, your faith was great, and your greatest desire was to know Him. Now, what changed? He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Our human nature is to change with time. What happened in your relationship? Is He testing you? Do you have weaker faith? Is He trying to bring you into greater intimacy? Is He leading you to experience His closeness on a more silent and symbolic level? How do you know He doesn’t want you to figure things out? Although I could tell you, I’d r...

What happens to the tribulation saints?

A sister in Christ asked me: what happens to the tribulation saints after the tribulation? My Response: I’m sorry it took me so long to respond I have been busy with school work and answering other messages. I was thinking about your question, and it ignited my curiosity. I also have consulted God about my thoughts and received His approval toward them. He also gave me greater revelation on these matters which I will share with you briefly. The tribulation saints, I think you are referring to the saved people, who failed to be raptured. They were saved and not prepared, or they got saved during the tribulation period. Many people think the chance to be regenerated stops during the tribulation period, although the bible says no such thing; it does not stop. The intensity of the tribulation will be for three and one-half years. The last portion is called in particular "the great tribulation."  Note: Basic Information The fullest description is found in the book of...

Specks of light that appear randomly

A sister in Christ wrote me: Do you know anything about specks of lights that appear randomly. They appear when I worship God, read the bible and listen to music. They appear in different colors and last for 2 seconds. Sometimes they are red, orange, dark/light blue and white. My Response: Yes, I know a lot about specks of light. It’s not the Holy Spirit, He rarely moves about the earth as a ball of light (He doesn’t like to feel jumbled), more like a light fog. Random flashes of light are different for everyone. If you have a friend who is having the same thing happen to them, don’t say it is the same reasoning as yourself. The lights are pieces of energy that come from God. They are different colors depending on the substance from which it came In Him. What you are doing is activating power, that belongs to God onto yourself (Hence when you pray and read the word). Because the Father is very fond of you, He is giving more of Himself to you every day, in such a way where it is a...

Satanist tries to break into my soul- Warning to Christians-One of Satan's Secret attachs

Note: This post was first on Facebook as a note. I deleted some of the conversation by mistake while transferring it to my blog. This post is still beneficial for you. I do apologize. I spoke with this person before on . It is a social networking website for Christians that my friend’s fiance made. He/she requested that I add his/her on Facebook and I did. We began asking each other how we are doing and he/she said: “we have a lot in common." He/she then said “I have many gifts,” Then our conversation turned into the one that you just read. I was very surprised and excited to meet a person like myself. Then I went into this person’s pictures, and my spirit was disgusted when I looked at his/her, so then the test began. I looked into this person's heart, and half of it was white, and the other was black. It meant that he/she was worshiping God and demons at the same time. He/she was not saved, and I did tell him/her this in ...

The Baptism Vs. Fullfillment of the Holy Spirit Vs. Unforgivable SIn

A brother in Christ asked: How does the Holy Spirit work in born again Christians? My response: The Holy Spirit is part of the triune God. The Father, The Son and Holy Spirit (Mathew 28:19). Every person in the Godhead plays a significant role in the redemption of mankind. The Holy Spirit happens to be our helper in all things. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. -John 14:26 People don’t really see the Holy Spirit as a person of high esteem. One of the worst sins is neglecting the Holy Spirit and His teaching. Mathew 12:32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. NOTE: Most people misinterpret this scripture, not realizing that as a whole it is the very definition of the word “blaspheme." It works in the jur...

You all ought to know "never leave a PROPHET empty Handed".

A sister in Christ messaged me: I heard that one should never go to a prophet empty handed. Since you were able to help me with dream interpretations and get me on the right track I would like to send you a gift of my appreciation. Thank you and God bless. Note: (Some portions of the message have been taken out due to personal content associated with the messenger and receiver). My Response: I wonder where you heard “never leave a prophet empty handed." If someone told me that then I’d go ask for help from a prophet and then they would assist me. After I’d say, “hold out your hand." I‘d put my hand in their hand and bless them with the name of Jesus by faith saying “God bless you. ” Now that is more richer than green pieces of paper wouldn’t you think? It is not great prophecy speaking over a person saying,  “God bless you?" Especially,  if it’s from a believer, you have been blessed by through God. Praying is like a petition before God (Philippians 4:6). How mu...

Person:Are you a fraud, rude, or arrogant? Me: eeeh probably rude.

A brother in Christ wrote: I went and joined a group it’s called (name and link withheld from readers). My response: Really good for you! Enjoy it. His response: Are you a fraud or are you just rude and ignorant? You pretend to be a spiritual women, but I don’t see any grace or love. Grow up and stop treating others like dirt..... My Response: Listen, I meant what I said. You told me about some info about a group, you didn’t ask me any theological questions, so I just said “good for you.” I wasn't sarcastic in its entirety although it was implied, I didn’t know what else to say. You have to understand that I don’t get mad easily nor do I get offended easily, so don’t take what I’m about to write as a strike in war. That’s the problem when you communicate with typing you don’t know or embrace the emotion from the other. I’d say that between being false, arrogant and rude. I’d probably be in the rude category. You see, when I tell people things I never tell them ...